Heart of Gold - Ant Documentation

This page contains information on the ant build file for the Heart of Gold. Ant is a build tool similar to Unix make, but implemented in Java (hence platform-independent) and mainly designed for building Java-based systems.

Ant is used in Heart of Gold for compilation and start of the Middleware server, to generate RMRS transformation stylesheets etc.

Ant - Quick start

After you have checked out the Heart of Gold sources, type

cd hog

then edit the script file


You may wish to adjust the JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME paths in the script.

To start ant with a specific target, run

./ant <target(s)>

The following command lists available Heart of Gold targets defined in hog/build.xml

./ant -projecthelp

Buildfile: build.xml
Main targets:

 aa                 shortcut to analyzeAll
 all                compile, make jar and javadoc
 analyzeAll         analyze all sentences in a given file
 chainsaw           run chainsaw log viewer
 chunkiermrs        compile chunkie rmrs sdl cascade -Dlang=XX [-Dsdl.file=Y]
 clean              delete files generated by this script
 compile            compile main project
 generate_xsl       generate XSL stylesheet for SProUT2RMRS/PiXml translation
 init               misc setup etc.
 jar                generate project jar file
 javadoc            generate javadoc
 mocomanserver      run mocoman as an XML-RPC server
 ms                 shortcut to mocomanserver
 rmrsmerge          compile rmrsmerge sdl cascade [-Dsdl.file=Y]
 shutdown           shutdown mocoman XML-RPC server
 testhogclient      run a test application built on HogXmlRpcClient

To start the Heart of Gold XML-RPC server, run

./ant ms &

Some targets require parameters, they are passed using -D<param>=<value>, e.g.

./ant -Dlang=de -Dtestfile=bla.txt testapp

There is also a generated antdoc documentation for build.xml (generated with antdoc).

The official Apache ant manual is here.